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发表于 2024-10-24 18:25:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
亲子关系中的沟通艺术有哪些?原因是什么?  https://www.richdady.cn/
爱情日志大全农村文化礼堂建设傻哥蹦迪半球电压力锅好吗乐广通信刘安琪 飞虎出征  @南北李敖
  回家晚上10点多安顿好宝宝,之前老公带宝宝出去玩了会他把价格也给我看过了,  你说你的离开是我的损失,

  伊朗与中国签署了合作路线图,旨在未来三年内将双边贸易额提升一倍。伊朗财政和经济事务部长Ali Tayyebnia与中国商务部长高虎城于周日签署了这一合作路线图。
  Iran to Create Regional Transit Corridor
  Iran will create a new transit corridor linking China, Kazakhstan’s Aktau Port and Anzali Trade-Industrial Free Zone.
  Commenting on the proposal to build the new Iran-China transit corridor through China’s railroad to Aktau Port and Anzali Port, Reza Masroor, the CEO of Anzali Trade-Industrial Free Zone, said the transit railroad will not only reduce the transportation time, but also the cost for traders and businessmen.
  Masroor noted that the purpose of constructing Qazvin-Rasht-Anzali railroad and connecting Gilan province to the country’s railroad network is to revive the North-South Corridor, expand transit capabilities and reduce the cost of transportation.
  “Caspian Port, which is the biggest Iranian port in Caspian Sea, can play the same role of Martyr Rajaie Port in Persian Gulf for Iran’s international trade with the littoral countries of Caspian Sea, Kazakhstan and Eastern Europe.
  Masror invited Chinese investors to participate in the construction of Caspian Port and added that various incentives plus tax and custom duties exemptions and the possibility of estblishing a 100% foreign company create valuable opportunity for Chinese countries to invest in Anzali Free Trade-Industrial Zone. - Iran Daily
  Caspian Littoral States to Study China-Anzali Trade Corridor
  Ambassadors of the five Caspian littoral states to Tehran have been invited to Anzali Free Trade Zone to study Iran’s proposal for setting up a trade corridor stretching from China to Anzali, a senior official announced.
  In the first special meeting on finding solutions for increasing trade transactions via Anzali free zone announced
  Introducing new corridor of China – Aktau - Anzali will increase trade transactions in the region.
  We negotiated with china ambassador for activation of this corridor and will negotiate with Kazakhstan in near future in this regard.
  He said that we are going to hold joint meeting in the march with CIS, china and Iranian ambassador in these countries for activating this corridor. We will discuss how to establish and active this new corridor, since this corridor will decrease costs and time and shorten distance then we could introduce this corridor to merchants and businessmen.
  Investigation about this corridor cleared that transportation via this corridor will decrease cost and time drastically.
  He said that our neighboring countries have invested on construction of new ports, for this reason we shouldn’t increase our marine fees to encourage merchants to transit their merchandises via Anzali port.

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